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Cloud Computing Basics
Today everyone is shifting towards cloud, and even trending courses are mostly related to cloud. This is the reason why students are also...

Big Data Basics
The term Big Data is a buzzing term which is evolving rapidly and it deals with heavy volume of unstructured, semi structured as well as...

IoT Basics
The Internet of Things is one of the budding concepts used in everyday items and environment (houses, wearable’s, offices and in...

Intelligent Apps Basics
With the advancement in the technology and other devices, there is a change and new generation of software and applications have evolved,...

Vertical Application Basics
The term vertical application is used with respect to software development which means, the modern applications and software are...

Virtual Reality Basics
As the name says the definition itself; it is the combination of terms "virtual" and "reality". So you can define Virtual Reality, which...

Machine Learning Basics
Machine Learning which is in short called ML, is a new evolving field and category of algorithms which makes applications more precise in...

Bitcoin Basics
This buzzing terminology has become the start of new era of electronic currency, but virtually. So in simple terms you can say Bitcoins are

This election switch to e-voting
Check out our live demo app Living in the era of digital technology where we are able to work, shop and communicate with a quick swap on...
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