This election switch to e-voting
Sanjeev Mehta
Living in the era of digital technology where we are able to work, shop and communicate with a quick swap on touchscreens, what could be the possible reason to vote on paper? Don’t be surprised to know, a similar technology has come up for voting too.
Electronic voting described in simplest terms is the act of election system that allows voters to cast and count their votes electronically. A handful of countries, like India, Philippines and Brazil, have already switched their voting systems to complete digital, leaving no trails of paper at all. Other countries and election commissions are keen on exploring how it would help in improving their elections.

Safety and Accuracy
A major benefit of electronic voting system is that it helps to eliminate human error. This leads to a secure and transparent result that people can trust upon. Electronic voting system is being praised because of the idea associated to it that all citizens, election commissions and parties can audit the electoral process at every phase.
The system stores every voter’s identity and information. On casting vote to your choice of candidate the system auto generates a receipt on the screen of your device. You can take the screenshot of the receipt for your own reference.
Time and Money efficient
It has been comprehended that electronic voting can minimize the time and cost borne during election campaign. It helps to increase the participation of public by modelling a convenient process of voting. What builds trust is that, instead of waiting for weeks until the voter verified paper audit trail (VVPAT) count ends, people can see the results of official election within few hours.
Increases turnout and accessibility
It is extremely important for all the eligible voters to participate in order to bring a change. Voting electronically is a useful way of improving registration and voter education. This increases involvement and accessibility of a number of voters who can cast their vote independently.
This ground-breaking technology has one thing to guarantee – that whatever the country’s laws and necessities are, electronic voting will lead to fast and real time results.
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