IoT Basics
Sanjeev Mehta

The Internet of Things is one of the budding concepts used in everyday items and environment (houses, wearable’s, offices and in machineries) – which has built-in sensors for gathering information and accordingly acquire action on those data over a particular network. So, let us suppose you want your home to be something like when you open the main door, all your hall room and drawing room lights get lit on automatically, there IoT takes a major role in making automated work. There are various other examples of IoT which we will discuss in this. It can be simply described as the day to day things connected digitally making the future of technology which is also making our lives extra efficient.
Also Internet of Things can be defined as the interconnected devices and objects that can be manipulated remotely within any internet infrastructure. It provides some complex and advanced inter-device connectivity that has the capability to connect beyond machine-to-machine (M2M) communications. It's a combination of networking and hardware with security and need for efficiency. IoT has a combination of mechanical, digital machines that are having unique identifiers (UIDs) and the capability of transferring data over the network without human intervention or computer interaction.
So let us understand the combination of the two words - Internet and Things. A thing in IoT is referring to any person, animal, household things, any machine or mechanical object, automobile etc that has built-in sensors to do work by transferring data over a network and understanding the condition and situation as what needs to be done based on the data. Now-a-days, various organizations and firms are using IoT devices and IoT technologies to make tasks easier and more efficient; better understand customer needs and deliver enhanced customer services. This eventually helps in improving automated decision making as well as increase the value of business.
It all started when Dr. Kevin Ashton who co-founded in MIT the “Auto-ID Center”, coined the term Internet of Things (IoT) in his presentation in the year 1999; where he started to highlight the radio frequency ID (RFID) concepts to the awareness of P&G's senior officials and members. He called this demonstration the "Internet of Things" where he incorporated various cool new technologies such as hardware, internet, and remote connection etc in that era. IoT has brought a revolutionary change in wireless technologies, internet connections and its different uses, micro-electromechanical systems etc. This helps remove the barrier between information technology and operational technology. Moreover, it helped in enabling different forms of structured and unstructured sensor and machine-originated data for analysis and drive results from such data.
So let’s go into a brief description of how IoT works. The environment of Internet of Things consists of web-enabled some devices that use embedded microchips and processors for smart working along with sensors and hardware that can communicate, collect and send data, act on various acquired data from circumstances, environment and algorithms coded for their working. Most of these devices don't need human intervention for their working, but still anyone can interact with those devices over internet for giving some early instructions or access to data.
IoT is a technology that is pervasive enough to affect not only our daily activities but also businesses and industries across almost all verticals effectively because it allows us to make informed decision backed by humongous transactional data.
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