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Autonomous Cars - Basics

Sanjeev Mehta

The generation has changed now, so as our thinking and level of innovation. This modern era is more towards automation. The result can be seen in the field of vehicles also. Autonomous vehicles such as self driving cars and motor-bikes are special type of vehicles that has the capability to guide its movement and way without human intervention or conduction. For the last decade, it was a dream, which is now a reality. Top fortune companies are trying different mechanism and technological advancement for making them even better. These autonomous vehicles merge a multiplicity of techniques for perceiving their environs, which include radars, laser beam for object detection, odometry systems, computer vision and lots of other data analysing features and algorithms embedded within the system.

These kind of vehicles are the future as the evolution of human, their living and technology is growing, so is the transportation, where computation take hold of the art of driving in an automatic manner. This term is replaceable by the word “driverless cars”. These forms of vehicles are being designed and research is going on to make it more error-free. The different models of driverless cars designed by the Google's autonomous car design, keep tracks and logs on the behaviour of these advance vehicles for thousands of hours in order to test their capabilities, but as this progress is an on-going one so these vehicles are not commercially available yet in huge quantity.

Some major technologies that these autonomous cars use are as follows: -

  1. GPS (Global Positioning System) with advance capabilities of sensing concentration of crowd and traffic

  2. Different types of sensors (collision detection and thermal) are used for avoiding collisions and accidents

  3. Additional features are incorporated such as Augmented Reality, which helps drivers get a remote access to all the information captured and stored in the database during its tour.

With the advancement of Artificial Intelligence,, automotive industry take a leap for building next generation vehicles, which are also known as level 4 and level 5 autonomous vehicle development. One of the simplest reasons of exploiting artificial intelligence in this field is the releasing of humongous quantity of data from different sources. The rapidly improved cameras and sensors in combination with deep learning, parallel computing algorithms & computer vision technology is enabling the autonomous vehicles connected and grow. AI based driverless vehicles are basically of two types –

  • Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) that includes camera oriented vision control systems along with radar detecting devices, different sensor for obstruction and thermal detecting features & fusion engine control units (ECUs)

  • Infotainment human-machine interface (IH-MI) is another type which includes voice and verbal communication recognition as well as gesture recognition features, virtual digital assistance, eye tracking and data and navigation analysis features (for shortest and smartest routes)

Disclaimer: These topics are intended to give readers a preview of technology topics, under our scheme of ‘Free Basic Education’ and does not claim to be technically satisfactory. Readers reproducing a part of the text printed here are advised to do further detailed reading and understand the subject-matter. For any clarification email us at with proper subject line.


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