Intelligent Apps Basics
Sanjeev Mehta

With the advancement in the technology and other devices, there is a change and new generation of software and applications have evolved, where a plethora of applications were developed and people are loving these apps which helps us, assists us in gathering information, do tasks with automation, and various day to day activities at ease. Yes, you are guessing right. I'm talking about the intelligent apps and the side-technological advancements that make this term possible are the machine learning and Deep learning concepts and algorithms along with huge data storage and cloud infrastructure.
According to the CTO (Chief Technical Officer) of Dell EMC Pvt. Ltd – Bill Schmarzo, applications (whether smart phones, PCs or other gadgets) which not only identify ways for supporting & enabling primary user choices but in addition frequently learns from user experiences, decisions and interactions for becoming even more significant and valuable for these users, can be termed as the intelligent apps.
An excellent example of an intelligent app is the VPA commonly abbreviated as Virtual Personal Assistant. It helps users control as well as manages tasks based on precedence like emails and spotlighting significant and vital information as tasks with proper scheduling for the user. Though these assistants have partial options and are limited to fixed sets of data but with the advancement in technology and concepts, they are becoming more and more accurate, sophisticated and efficient.
List of some intelligent apps and bots used in corporate world and in home products and gadgets are:
Bing Predicts
Swift Key
Power BI
Common devices that uses such intelligent apps are –
Google Home
Siri Apple device’s Assistant
Cortana Microsoft’s Virtual Assistant in Windows OS
Amazon Echo etc.
Intelligent apps have the capability to achieve 1 or more tasks that are mentioned below: -
Intelligent apps are programmed in such as way that they can learn our behavior and working mechanism, schedules as well as choices & thus able to construct relative predictions.
They have the potential for differentiating among relevant and irrelevant data they came across using some AI algorithms.
They work as well as act as virtual personal assistant residing in your phone or other gadgets & have the capability to get essential work prepared on time with no bothering the user with notification or additional commands.
IA (Intelligent apps) even performs tasks proactively, taking logical actions, on your behalf without waiting for users’ action or command.
The learning and implementing trends says that within few years all business will accommodate the features and advantages of these intelligent apps. Also it is being estimated that within 2025, a distinguished fraction of the world’s fortune 300 companies will be exploiting these intelligent apps in association with big data & analytics for refining their products and sales along with improvement of customer experience.
Fields and places where these Intelligent apps are used are: -
Business and Management
Sales and Marketing
Online Retail Stores
Automobiles (Driverless cars)
Banking and Finance
Healthcare Solutions
Online Customer service
Manufacturing Industries and machines
Disclaimer: These topics are intended to give readers a preview of technology topics, under our scheme of ‘Free Basic Education’ and does not claim to be technically satisfactory.
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